Sinus & Allergy

Allergy Drops

How do allergy drops work?

Allergy drops work similar to allergy shots by delivering a slowly increasing dose of physician-prescribed antigen that builds the body's tolerance to the allergens that cause your allergy symptoms. The difference is that the drops are placed under the tongue and affect the immune system through very specialized cells found there. Research shows these cells are a friendlier and more effective route for long-term tolerance, making it ideal for people who can’t tolerate or don’t respond to allergy shots. Treatment for most patients lasts between three to five years, depending upon severity of allergies and patient compliance.

What are the advantages of allergy drops?

Aside from being able to treat more patients, there are other advantages to allergy drops:

Lower cost, fewer clinic visits.

Allergy drops are affordable and require few clinic visits after your initial testing – typically only a few clinic visits the first year, and once every 6-12 months thereafter until visits are no longer needed depending upon the severity of your allergies.

More convenient, fewer medications.

You can take allergy drops at home or wherever you need to be, making it much easier to stay with treatment. Most patients find they need less medication to control symptoms after beginning allergy drops.

More healthy days.

The end benefit is simply feeling better. Patients typically report fewer clinic visits and hospitalizations for allergy-related issues, and less time lost from work and school, after taking drops consistently.

Who can benefit from allergy drops?

Although most people who suffer from allergies and related illnesses can benefit from allergy drops, they are especially helpful for people who can’t tolerate or don’t respond to allergy shots, including:

  • Infants and children*
  • Severe asthmatics
  • Highly sensitive patients
  • Patients with chronic conditions including sinusitis
  • Patients with food and/or mold allergies
  • Patients with multiples allergies including dust, pollens, animals and chemicals

*Allergy drops have proven especially helpful for children with eczema and recurrent ear infections, which often have underlying allergic causes. Research shows that many children with untreated eczema and allergies often develop asthma and other chronic conditions later in life, so treating them early can have life-long benefits.

Are allergy drops safe and effective?

Allergy drops have been used around the world for more than 60 years, and many studies show that allergy drops are safe and effective. Dosing levels and the route of administration are safe enough to effectively treat infants, children, and people suffering from chronic conditions that previously made them unable to receive immunotherapy via shots.
In fact, the World Health Organization had endorsed sublingual immunotherapy as a viable alternative to injection therapy.
Research shows that allergy drops are safer than allergy shots, and that reactions occur less. For more information about research studies, visit

Reprinted with permission from Allergychoices, Inc. © 2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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